Friday, July 8, 2011

Steamed Red Snapper in Soy Sauce

Salam di hari Jumaat...

Hari ini lambat sikit bersiaran, sedikit sibuk dengan kerja. 
Rasanya dah lama Shah Alam tak hujan, tiba tiba hari ni awal pagi sudah mula mendung dan sekarang hujan sedang mencurah curah di luar sana..
(Apahal hari ni akak bersastera sastera bagai......)

Semalam masak menu ulangan, buat ikan kukus dengan sambal tumis udang. Malas betul nak fikir menu apa nak masak.

1 red snapper - gutted, cleaned and marinated with salt and white pepper
2 cm young ginger - slice
2 stalks of Shiitake Mushroom  - slice

4 sudu makan light soy sauce
1 teaspoon sesame oil
2 tablespoon water
1 slice of lemon

2 tablespoon fried minced garlic and garlic oil
Spring onion, thinly sliced
Coriander leaves

1. Bring water to boil in a steamer. Place fish onto a plate. Fill the fish's stomach with ginger. Place the slice mushrooms and lemon on the plate too.
2. Steam the fish on medium heat for 8- 10 mims. Remove from steamer.
3. Combine seasoning ingredients in a bowl and pour over the fish. Garnished with spring onion, coriander leaves and pour fried minced garlic with its oil over the fish.
4. Serve with hot plain rice.


  1. red snapper ker? ikan mahal ni akak....yummy dulu selalu mkn kat kedai seafood kat bukit tambun...sekali bayar wallet jadik kempis hahahaha

  2. Salam kak! red snapper agaknyer dah bertahun tahun tak mkn red snapper ni kat sini byk kalau g pasar2 dia org, tak pernah nak beli sbb tak tahu nak amsak apa selain pedas2 hihihi...

  3. salam Jumaat Hazila,
    sedapnya red snapper tu.... isinya lembut,kepalanya pun sodap!...kak amie suka tang matanya yang bulat tu....

  4. Emmm...sedapnya....kruk...krak dah perut ku berbunyi...kak cek singgah nak tumpang makan boleh ke...:)

  5. sedappppp....rajin lah liza ni.

  6. terliurnya tengok.....
    rasa nak cari nasi jerk...

  7. Akak... tersangatlah seksi akaknyer red snapper....

  8. akak ada award untuk akak...nnt ambil kt umah ayu yer :))
