Friday, February 20, 2009

Ketam Masak Kam Heong

Ketam oh ketam........ Fav. seafood my husband. At least once a week mesti ada ketam. So malam ni saya cuba resepi dari majalah RASA, Ketam masak Kam Heong. kalau tak silap Kam Heong maksudnya wangi/berbau wangi. Saya ada buat ubahsuai sikit mengikut selera sendiri dan the verdict... sedap (according to my husband).
2 pcs crabs - fried till golden brown
200 gms shallots*
200 gms garlic*
200 gms cili padi * - depends on how hot you want
200 gms dried shrimps*
1 stalk of lemongrass - thinly sliced
1 stalk of torch ginger ( bunga kantan )- thinly sliced
1 tablespoons of curry powder
2 tablespoons of dried chilli paste
1 tablespoon oyster sauce
1 stalk of curry leave
Salt and sugar to taste
100 ml water
  • Blend all the ingridients *. Heat the oil and fry the blended ingridients till fragrant.
  • Add in the curry powder,dried chili paste and oyster sauce. Fry them for a while.
  • Add in the water, lemongrass and torch ginger. Bring them to boil.
  • Then add in salt and sugar to taste. Let it boil for a while and then add in the crab.
  • Mix the crab and the ingridients well.
  • The dish is ready to serve.

(p/s - To Vin, hopefully you can understand me coz my english is very very bad, hehehe......)


  1. ini kunjungan balas dari akak ni..sebenar nya tadi akak dah intai rumah kamu ni dari blog home sweet home...aleh2 kamu pulak yang bagi salam...terima kasih ya...sedap sedap hidangan kat rumah kamu ni..terliur den...

    singgah lah selalu ya....satu lagi blog akak salam kak ezza

  2. Hi Hazila, my name is Vin from Australia (a malaysian who has been here for 17 years, so apologies, my malay is very karat) and I came over from Kak Ummi's blog. Great blog you have and I am going to put it on my blog list so expect more visits from me.

    BTW, Love the look of crabs...can you please put up the recipe? Thanks.

  3. Hehehe..Kak Ezza, masak biasa biasa jer. Insyaallah saya ni suka jengok rumah kawan kawan. Kadang kala segan nak tegur.

  4. Hai Vin. Thanks for dropping by. I will update the recipe soon. I'll link your blog to mine.

  5. nak resipi ketam tu jugak..aduh..tgk gambar je dah meleleh

    sy konfem..u masak apa pun semua sedap..tu pasal hubby kata sedap

    tgk pun sedap, apatah lagi klu rasa..adehhh perut ku lapar..gggrrr~

  6. Hehehe...kadang kala sedap kat tekak kita belum tentu sedap kat org lain. Selalunya kita akan modified ikut selera dan keadaan.
