Sunday, December 16, 2012

Red Velvet Cake

Salam dan Selamat Petang...

Ermmm bagaimana anda menhgabiskan cuti hujung minggu? Hari ni Shah Alam hujan agak lebat selepas tengahari membawa ke malam. Sejuk dan lembab saja, samalah dengan orang dalam rumah yang malas nak ke mana mana.

Jadi hari ini my husband menghabiskan cuti hujung minggunya dengan membersihkan laman rumah, maklumlah bila hujan mulalah rumput di laman makin panjang. Since pagi tadi cuaca elok, sempatlah dia menyembur racun dan mencabut rumput rumput. Bila dah petang, ingat nak sambung kerja semula tapi hujan lebat, masing masing asyik melangut depan TV sajalah.

Oh ya, dah lama pendam nak buat Red Velvet Cake ni, tapi macam biasa, bila malas melanda, asyik bertangguh dari sehari ke sehari. Minggu lepas saya dah cuba buat sekali, tapi entah macam mana, kek saya tidak bewarna merah tetapi warna seperti kek coklat. Dan teksturnya juga berderai dan sedikit keras. Then saya ambil masa mencari resepi Red Velvet Cake ni di internet. Membandingkan mana yang saya nak cuba dahulu. Akhirnya hari ni saya mencuba untuk kali kedua dan Alhamdulillah, it turns out nice even though the colour is not SO RED.

Source : Cooks Joy
Ingredients – Red Velvet Cake
  • 2 1/2 cups sifted cake flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1 oz. red food coloring (original recipe calls for 2 oz.)
  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter, at room temperature
  • 1 1/2 cups sugar
  • 2 eggs, at room temperature
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 cup buttermilk, at room temperature (use substitute mentioned if needed)
  • 1 teaspoon white vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
My Notes
  1. Original recipe uses 2 oz. of food coloring. I have used only 1 oz.
  2. It takes a while for the cocoa and red food coloring to mix. Keep mixing with a spoon.
  3. You can use buttermilk substitute instead of buttermilk.
  4. Allow the cakes to cool well before frosting.
  5. My cakes were done in 25 minutes, so check early.
Buttermilk Substitute
1 tbsp vinegar + almost 1 cup milk.
To the vinegar add milk and mix to combine. Set aside for 5 – 10 minutes and use in place of buttermilk.
Method – Red Velvet Cake
1. Take cocoa and red food coloring in a bowl
2. Mix well to form a paste
3. Grease and flour two 9 inch cakes pans.
4. To the sifted flour, add salt.
5. Add baking powder.
6. Sift the dry ingridients and keep aside.
7. Take butter and sugar in a bowl. Beat well until light and fluffy.
8. Beat in eggs, one at a time. Mix well. Add vanilla extract and mix well.
9. Add the food coloring + cocoa mixture, beat well.
10. Add 1/3 of the dry ingredients and beat well. Add half of the buttermilk, beat well.
11. Beat in 1/3 of the flour mixture followed by the remaining 1/3 of the flour mixture.
12. Mix the vinegar and baking soda and you will hear the sizzling sound. Add the vinegar + baking soda to the cake batter. Mix well.
13. Work quickly and evenly distribute the cake batter into two prepared pans.
14. Bake in a 350F preheated oven for 25 - 30 minutes until a toothpick inserted in center comes out clean.
15. After the cakes have cooled, apply the frosting.

Cream Cheese Frosting

Ingredients – Cream Cheese Frosting
  • 16 oz cream cheese, softened
  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter (one stick), softened
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2 1/2 cups powdered sugar, sifted
  • Pinch of salt

1.  Take creams cheese and a butter in a bowl. Beat until smooth.
2. Add powdered sugar,salt and vanilla extract. Beat until the frosting light and fluffy.
3.  Frosting is ready to apply on the cakes.


  1. Assalamualaikum...RvC hemmm terliuq..baru minggu lepas buat...sama mcm sy juga ,cuba dan cuba lg..akhirnya menjadi walau x secantik di kedai :-)...cantik merahnya

  2. Mana aci jamu mata aje Zila... k.gee dah terlior ni...

  3. salam Zila, cantikkk gak lah tu...guna coloring yg oil base ke yang water base...dalam blog Azlita ada criter pewarna yg sesuai utk kek.

  4. red velvet memang antara kek yg sedap.. cantik warna kek tu..

  5. yeahhh ai loikee ketat2 RVC ni
    ingat nk buat masa bufday darl nnt ngeee @.@

  6. mata sy sudah kenyang jamu rv tu..sedap2.. :)


  8. Cantiknya.... terliur kupandang RVCmu itu Zila....

  9. Assalamualaikum Hazila, apa khabar? Menarik tgk RVC dlm jar gitu...mmg femes letak dlm jar gitu satu ketika aritu sblm timbul musim crepes kan..hehe..

  10. sangat cantik ,guna cutter eh then masuk dalam botol?

  11. salam kak zila
    sedapnya..snang nk mkn bila buh dlm jar camtue..nampak sedap..simpankan kita satu blg tue he hhee..

  12. sampai ke sudah tak pandai2 buat kek ni... huhuhu

    sangat cantik & pasti sedap :P

  13. dah berapa kali view RVC ni..tergoda betul walaupun mmg fail bab buat kek..terkena sumpahan tepung kek agaknya..hihi

    honestly, sy suka tengok semua entri hazila yg sgt cool, kemas & rileks.. :)

  14. Wooowww merahnya mak ngahhh..!!
    Macam zaman dulu-dulu.
    (teringat iklan dulu2)
